Anxiety & Stress Therapy for Individuals

In-person therapy in Greenville, Mauldin & Simpsonville

Online therapy throughout South Carolina

Have anxiety and stress been weighing you down, keeping you from engaging in what matters most?

Maybe balancing the demands of work, relationships and self have left you feeling depleted. Work is no longer rewarding. Home was a safe haven, a tension-free zone, but now it is just one more stressor. You may be feeling overwhelmed, worried, disappointed, frustrated, alone and like all four walls are caving in. 

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Create the fulfilling life you really desire.

You are an ambitious person whose high standards and drive for success have served you well in the past. However, something has changed. You no longer feel like yourself as anxiety and stress build. You may be experiencing tension in your body, pressure in your chest, seemingly irrational worries or intrusive thoughts, or regular irritability or frustration. You find yourself wondering if this is really what you have worked so hard to achieve?

Whether anxiety and stress have you struggling due to work-life imbalance, relationship distress, or life transitions, you can start enjoying your life again.

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Therapy with me offers you space and time to receive the support you need from both a mental health professional and an individual prone to stress and anxiety.
I have an understanding of what you are going through and can give you the tools to rediscover your purpose.

In therapy, you will gain more insight into your relationship with stress and anxiety, explore relaxation strategies, learn tools for preventing your thoughts from taking control, and discover your new definition of a fulfilling and meaningful life. I am committed to meeting you wherever you are without judgment and to helping you discover your own path forward.

Anxiety and stress can take a back seat to meaningful connections and living a balanced, fulfilling life.

I will help you draw upon your inner strength and creativity as you begin moving towards meaningful relationships and purposeful living. I am here to guide and encourage you through this process.

In a world where to-do lists and expectations drive our daily behavior, together we will focus on discovering your new definitions of balance and fulfillment.

Therapy for anxiety and stress isn’t about conforming to what society says matters most. It is about finding your balance, getting back in touch with yourself, and living your life to the fullest. If you are ready to begin your journey back to self, I am ready to help. 

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Let’s Begin!

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You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf.

Jon Kabat-Zinn

Ready to Begin
the Journey?